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Chapter 26.3. Taxation System in the Form of the Uniform Tax on the Imputed Income for the Individual Kinds of Activity Article 346.26. General Provisions 1. The system of taxation in the form of a uniform tax on the imputed income for the individual kinds of activity shall be established by the present Code and shall be put into force by the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation. 2. The taxation system in the form of a uniform tax on the imputed income for the individual kinds of activity (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as the uniform tax) may be applied by the decision of the subject of the Russian Federation with respect to the following kinds of business activity: 1) rendering personal services, including: - repairs of the footwear and of fur items; - repairs of the hardware; - repairs of the clothing; - repairs of watches and of the jewellery; - repairs and servicing of household appliances, of computers and of the office equipment; - services of the laundries, dry cleaning centres and photographer's studios; - services of bootblacks; - hairdresser's services; - other kinds of personal services; 2) rendering veterinary services; 3) rendering services involved in the repairs, technical servicing and washing of motor transportation facilities; 4) retail trade, performed through department stores with the trading hall floor space of no more than 70 square metres, through the outlets, counters and other points for organizing trade, including those not possessing the stationary trading floor space; 5) rendering the public catering services with the use of a hall with the floor space of no more than 70 square metres; 6) rendering automobile transport services in passenger and freight carriages, performed by organizations and by individual businessmen with the use of no more than twenty automobiles. 3. The laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall determine: 1) the procedure for an introduction of the uniform tax on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation; 2) the kinds of business activity, with respect to which the uniform tax is introduced, within the limits of the list, supplied in Item 2 of the present Article; 3) the meanings of Coefficient K_2, pointed out in Article 346.27 of the present Code. 4. The payment by organizations of the uniform tax presupposes replacement of the payment of the tax on the profit of organizations (as concerns the profit derived from the business activity, levied with the uniform tax), of the value added tax and of the sales tax (with respect to transactions, which are an object of levying, respectively, the value added tax and the sales tax, performed in the framework of the business activity, on which the uniform tax is levied), of the tax on the property of enterprises (as concerns the property used to carry out the business activity, levied with the uniform tax) and of the uniform social tax. The payment by individual businessmen of the uniform tax presupposes replacement of the payment of the tax on the incomes of natural persons (with respect to the incomes derived from an activity, levied with the uniform tax), of the value added tax and of the sales tax (as concerns operations, which are an object of taxation, respectively, with the value added tax and with the sales tax, carried out in the framework of the business activity, levied with the uniform tax), of the tax on the property of natural persons (with respect to the property, used for the performance of the business activity, mentioned in Item 2 of the present Article), and of the uniform social tax from the derived incomes and from the sums, paid out to one's own workers in connection with the performance of an activity, levied by the uniform tax. The organizations and the individual businessmen, who are the payers of the uniform tax, shall pay insurance premiums for the obligatory pension insurance in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. The tax payers shall be obliged to observe the procedure for carrying out settlement and cash-based payment transactions in cash and cashless forms, as is laid down in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6. When several kinds of business activity are performed, which are subject to taxation with the uniform tax in accordance with the present Chapter, the indices, necessary for the computation of the tax, shall be recorded separately for every kind of activity. 7. The tax payers, who are carrying out, parallel to the business activity to be levied with the uniform tax, the other kinds of activity, are obliged to keep separate records on the property, on the liabilities and on the economic transactions as concerns the business activity, subject to being levied with the uniform tax, and as concerns the business activity, with respect to which the tax payers shall pay taxes in accordance with the general regime of taxation. Article 346.27. Basic Concepts, Used in this Chapter For the purposes of the present Chapter, the following concepts are used: - imputed income - potentially possible income of the tax payer of the uniform tax, calculated with an account for an aggregate of factors, directly influencing the receipt of the said income and used for computing the uniform tax in accordance with the fixed rate; - basic profitability - the conventional monthly profitability in value expression on this or that unit of the natural index, characterizing the definite kind of business activity under different comparable conditions, which is used for computing the size of the imputed income; - correcting coefficients of basic profitability - the coefficients, showing the extent of an impact of this or that factor on the result of the business activity, performed on the basis of the certificate on the payment of the uniform tax, in particular: - K_1 - correcting coefficient of basic profitability, taking into account the aggregate of specifics in carrying out the business activity in different municipal entities, of the specifics of the populated centre or of the place of location, as well as of the place of location inside the populated centre, which is defined as the ratio of the meaning of the cadastre cost of land at the place of performance of the tax payer's activity to the maximum cadastre cost of land, fixed by the State Land Cadastre for the given kind of activity. The procedure for bringing up to the tax payer's knowledge information on the cadastre cost of land shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation; - K_2 - correcting coefficient of basic profitability, taking into account the aggregate of other specifics in the business activity, including the range of commodities (works, services), the seasonal character, the time of the work, the size of incomes, and the other specifics; - K_3 - the deflator coefficient, corresponding to the index of the change of consumer prices for commodities (works, services) in the Russian Federation. The deflator coefficients are published in accordance with the order, established by the Government of the Russian Federation; - retail trade - the trade in commodities and rendering services to the buyers for cash. To the given kind of business activity is not referred the realization of foodstuffs and of drinks, including alcohol ones, both packed and weighed by the manufacturer and without such package and weighing, in the snack-bars, restaurants, cafeteria and in the other public catering outlets; - stationary trade network - the trade network, situated in the specially equipped buildings (in the parts thereof) and in the structures, intended for trade. The stationary trade network is formed by the construction systems, closely bound by the foundation with the land plot and connected to the engineering communications. To the given category of trade objects are referred department stores, pavilions and kiosks; - non-stationary trade network - the trade network, functioning on the principles of travelling and of delivery trade, as well as the other objects for organizing trade, not referred to the stationary trade network in accordance with the demands of the previous paragraph of the present Article; - the floor space of the trade hall (the hall for servicing visitors) - the area of all premises and open grounds, used by the tax payer for trade or for organizing the public catering, defined on the basis of inventory and law-establishing documents; - open ground - a specially equipped site, situated on the land plot, intended for organizing trade or the public catering; - shop - a specially equipped stationary building (a part thereof), intended for selling commodities and for rendering services to the buyers, and possessing commercial, auxiliary and administrative and public amenities premises, as well as the premises for the acceptance and storage of commodities, and for preparing them for sale; - pavilion - the structure, possessing a trade hall and backrooms for the storage of the commodity stock, with one or several work places; - kiosk - the structure, which has no trade hall or backrooms for the storage of commodities, which is intended for one salesman's work place, and in which the commodity stock is kept; - booth - an easily mounted collapsible structure, equipped with a counter, which has no trade hall (no hall for servicing visitors) and no premises for the storage of commodities, which is intended for one or several salesman's work places, and in which the stock of commodities is kept for one day of trade; - trading point - the place used for making purchase and sale deals; - personal services - the paid services, rendered to natural persons and classified in conformity with the All-Russia Classifier of Services to the Population. Article 346.28. Tax Payers 1. Seen as the tax payers are organizations and individual businessmen, performing on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which the uniform tax is introduced, the kinds of business activity, stipulated in Item 2 of Article 346.26 of the present Code. 2. The tax payers, not put onto records in the tax bodies of that subject of the Russian Federation, in which they perform the kinds of business activity, established by Item 2 of Article 346.26 of the present Code, are obliged to get recorded in the tax bodies at the place of performance of the said activity within the time term of not later than five days from the start of performance of this activity and to pay the uniform tax in this subject of the Russian Federation. Article 346.29. Object of Taxation and the Tax Base 1. Seen as the object of taxation for applying the uniform tax shall be the tax payer's imputed income. 2. Seen as the tax base for the computation of the sum of the uniform tax shall be the size of the imputed income, calculated as the product of the basic profitability of the definite kind of business activity and of the size of the physical index, characterizing the given kind of activity. 3. For the computation of the sum of the uniform tax shall be used, depending on the kind of business activity, the following physical indices, characterizing a definite kind of business activity, and the basic profitability per month. __________________________________________________________________________ | Kinds of business | Physical indices | Basic | | activity | | profitability | | | | per month | | | | (roubles) | __________________________________________________________________________ Rendering personal services Number of workers, including 5,000 the individual businessman Rendering veterinary Number of workers, including 5,000 services the individual businessman 5,000 Rendering services for the Number of workers, including 8,000 repairs, technical servi- the individual businessman cing and washing of transportation facilities Retail trade, performed Floor space of the trade hall 1,200 through the objects of the (in square metres) stationary trade network, possessing trade halls Retail trade, performed Trading place 6,000 through the objects of the stationary trade network, having no trade halls, and retail trade, performed through the objects of the non-stationary trade network Public catering Floor space of the hall for 700 servicing visitors (square metres) Rendering automobile Number of automobiles, used 4,000 services for passenger and freight carriages Peddler trade, performed by Number of workers 3,000 individual businessmen (with including individual the exception of trade in businessmen excisable commodities, medical preparations, items made of precious stones, weapons and cartridges to them, fur items and technically intricate household appliances) 4. The basic profitability shall be corrected (multiplied) by Coefficients K_1, K_2 and K_3. 5. Correcting coefficient K_1 is determined depending on the cadastre cost of land (on the basis of the data from the State Land Cadastre) at the place of the tax payer's performance of business activity, and shall be calculated by the following formula: K = (1000 + K )/(1000 + K ) , 1 of om where K is the cadastre cost of land (on the basis of the data of from the State Land Cadastre) at the place of the tax payer's performance of the business activity; K is the maximum cadastre cost of land (on the basis of om the data from the State Land Cadastre) for the given kind of the business activity; 1000 is the value estimate of the other factors, exerting an impact upon the size of the basic profitability, reduced to the unit of the floor space. 6. When determining the size of the basic profitability, the subjects of the Russian Federation may correct (multiply) the basic profitability, named in Item 3 of the present Article, by Correcting Coefficient K_2. 7. The meanings of Correcting Coefficient K_2 shall be defined by the subjects of the Russian Federation for a calendar year and may be established within the bracket of 0.1 to 1. 8. The change of the sum of the uniform tax, which has taken place, may be effected only as from the start of the next tax period. 9. If in the course of the tax period a change in the size of the tax payer's physical index has taken place, the tax payer shall take into account the said change when calculating the sum of the uniform tax, as from the start of that month, when the change in the size of the physical index occurred. 10. The size of the imputed income for a quarter, in the course of which the corresponding state registration of the tax payer was carried out, shall be calculated proceeding from full months, beginning with the month next to the month of the above-said state registration. Article 346.30. Tax Period Recognized as the tax period for the uniform tax shall be a quarter. Article 346.31. Tax rate The rate of the uniform tax shall be fixed in the amount of 15 per cent of the imputed income. Article 346.32. Procedure and Time Terms for the Payment of the Uniform Tax 1. The payment of the uniform tax shall be effected by the tax payer in accordance with the results of the tax period not later than on the 25th day of the first month of the next tax period. 2. The sum of the uniform tax, computed for the tax period, shall be reduced by tax payers by the sum of insurance premiums for the obligatory pension insurance implemented by the legislation of the Russian Federation, paid out for the same period of time when the tax payers make remunerations to their workers, engaged in the spheres of the tax payer's activity, on which the uniform tax is paid, as well as by the sum of the insurance premiums in the form of fixed payments made by the individual businessmen for their own insurance. The sum of the uniform tax cannot be reduced by more than 50 per cent. The form for the tax declaration and the procedure for filling it out shall be approved by the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation. Article 346.33. Entry of the Sums of Uniform Tax The sums of the uniform tax shall be entered onto the accounts of the federal treasury bodies to be subsequently distributed among the budgets of all levels and among the budgets of the state extra-budgetary funds in conformity with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation.